Xenophobic: May God Continually Grant The Brave at Heart the grace to speak the Truth, even when they know The World will Crucify them:- IGODYE Posted
IGODYE made his posted recently on Instagram after he has advised the Federal Government to help in assisting by sending aeroplanes to being back our fellow Nigerians who are in South Africa fighting for their lives.
Below are his words he posted on instagram;
Must it affect someone from our immediate family
before we weep and stand for the oppressed amongst us?
Just few days ago, I highlighted the need for the Federal Government to provide aeroplanes to being back those that will voluntarily want to come back, and within a short while, Air peace has agreed to help federal government to provide free flights to those that are willing to come back. I thank Stelladimokus for the repost, Air peace for being our brothers keeper especially you for adding your voice.
Just few days ago, I highlighted the need for the Federal Government to provide aeroplanes to being back those that will voluntarily want to come back, and within a short while, Air peace has agreed to help federal government to provide free flights to those that are willing to come back. I thank Stelladimokus for the repost, Air peace for being our brothers keeper especially you for adding your voice.
This points to the fact that with our collective voice and mutual love for one another, we shall overcome all our obstacles.
In today's world, the most effective means of mass communication is the social media,via the various platforms on the internet and which are obviously imputed through computer and the cell phones. What ever information’s passed on from this means, relatively influences the attitude of our leaders, yet most of us, rather than add our voice, to the struggle of social liberation, they are comfortable defending the oppressors of humanity.
I will rather speak, my thoughts than remain in the solitary confinement of silence which might keep generations yet unborn in captivity.
Let us all stand against injustice at all times, adding our voices to influence a new world order ; where we all shall be our brother's keeper. I am against all forms of violence but unfortunately some of our attitudes towards those that manage to speak, have made many to seat in the comfort of their homes to watch the daily happenings, just to avoid common insults and unwarranted criticisms from the larger society, which has made it's self the biggest enemy of the black race and humanity at large. I have seen a one man protest in the western world, but over here once you speak against injustice, they come after you like you are jobless or you must be a direct victim before you can politely ask for justice and equity among ourselves,
May God Continually grant the brave at heart the
grace to speak, even when the world will crucify them.
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