Impact of social media on fashion
Fashion is a word that is recognized by all people of the society. It arises from the mix of innovation, inspiration, beauty and the sky is the limit from there. For some, it may be like a protective layer to endure the substances of day by day life and for some, it may only be an essential need. With the regularly changing fashion industry and the developing energy for Social Media in our everyday lives, it has become important to have an interweaving join between the two. Where social media has become a piece of our globally associated network in various ways, it has enormously affected our basic leadership capacity as well. Consumers are investing more energy than any time in recent memory on social media and this is the thing that fashion industry flourishes with. The fashion industry is powered by showcasing and what preferable path can there be over the addictive social media stages. With stages, for example, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and so on fashion brands have dis...